How it works

Select a service
Find help around the home and office; anything from daily chores to maintenance and repairs.

Choose a GigWorker
Browse rates, bios, and customer reviews to find the right GigWorker for you.

Set a date & location
Your agenda comes first. Get help when and where you want it.
Our vetting process
We are dedicated to ensuring your Trust and Safety. Our brand mission centers around establishing a platform built on trust and hard work, safeguarding your homes and offices.
Pre-Screenings and Training
Workers undergo extensive onboarding, including an online meeting with the operations team and testing app usage and best practices before app access is granted.
Credential & Certification Verification
Rigorous self-employment and employment checks, along with certification verification, ensure workers are qualified to carry out specific services.
Background Check for Individual Professionals
Thorough background checks are conducted to guarantee the credibility and reliability of individual professionals on our platform
A few things to love about Gigify…
Get Help On-Demand
Book a GigWorker instantly; whenever and wherever suits you, from our website and full feature app.
Transparent Pricing
Keep costs in check at all times with instant estimates, up-front rates and inbuilt quote management features.
100% Cash Free Platform
Get it done without a trip to the bank. Convenient and secure online payments for everything from booking to tipping.
Become a GigWorker
Earn your way while helping others in your area
Be your own boss
Escape soul-crushing routines and big-headed bosses. Work when you want, where you want, doing the type of gigs you prefer.
Work. Life. Balanced.
Discover a whole new level of freelance freedom and flexibility. Set your precise availability and you’ll only ever get gigs that fit snugly in your schedule.
Boost your business
Already enjoying freelance freedom? Gigify is the perfect way to fill gaps in your schedule and boost your business.